Our Year 12 students shine in a difficult year.
AIS is proud to announce that its first cohort of Year 12 students successfully completed their SACE course. All students achieved their SACE and received an ATAR. 100% SACE completion is difficult for any school to achieve.
70% of all grades attained by the Yr 12 students were A and B grades. No student received a failing grade in any of their subjects.
Our overall DUX, having achieved 4 A grades and 1 B grade in her five subjects, achieved an ATAR of 86.75. This means that this student finished in the top 13% of students across Australia which is an amazing feat given the challenges of this year. 6 of our 11 students have already received tertiary offers and we anticipate the other five will receive an offer in the coming rounds which will be published in the near future.
Given the challenges of COVID-19 these results are a credit to the students and all the staff at AIS. Everyone worked tirelessly to ensure that the academic and pastoral needs of the students were met and are to be congratulated on a job well done!