A letter from the principal - AIS back to business

Dear Parents/ Guardians and Homestay hosts,


I hope you are healthy and coping well with the changes that we are experiencing.


Return to AIS 

I appreciate that there have been mixed messages in the media about how schools are operating at the moment and so I write to clarify matters for AIS students. 

I am pleased to announce that we are back to full onsite delivery for our local students from next Monday 11 May. Thus, our online program will cease as of Friday this week 8 May. The only exception to this is for three of our students who are currently in China and so the delivery of their courses will continue online. 

Teaching online has had its challenges, as programs cannot just be delivered in old ways. Effective online teaching takes new skills, ways of presentation and the development of new resources. The staff at AIS has spent many hours to meet these challenges. I take this opportunity to thank all AIS staff members who have adjusted programs and their work life so that, during this time, we have been able to continue to offer high quality learning experiences for our students.. We are very fortunate to have such a dedicated and skilled team at the school.  

I look forward to seeing all our local students at AIS on Monday morning, 11 May. Students should return with all their normal learning material, computers fully charged and ready to get back into normal school life. 

AIS continues its strict cleaning regime. Face masks can be worn as a matter of choice. Upon returning to the school students are reminded of our 5 steps: 

  1. Keep hands clean, using soap and hand sanitizer.
  2. Try not to touch the face.
  3. Remembering to social distance, at least 1.5 metres apart as much as possible.
  4. No sharing of food.
  5. Coughing or sneezing into a tissue or the crook of the elbow.

If your child or guardian presents as ill, please keep them home until they are better. Do not hesitate to take them to a doctor and have a test for COVID-19 if concerned. 


Happy Mothers’ Day 

Sunday 10 May is Mothers’ Day. On this day we take time to thank our mothers and other significant women in our lives for the care and love that they show to us. Like many things Mothers’ Day may be celebrated a little differently this year but the sense of gratitude remains the same.  May Sunday be a special day! 


Peter Daw
